We’re excited to celebrate the release of NUL.’s third album, AVA, with an exclusive giveaway for VMJ readers! The prize is a signed copy of the album, personally autographed by the band during our recent interview. Released on October 25th, 2024, AVA captures again NUL.’s signature “avalanche of sound” and highlights their dedication to crafting top-tier industrial rock. In our interview, the trio opened up about their inspirations behind AVA and how they tried to push boundaries with this album (read the full interview).
🌟 Leave a comment below sharing your favorite thing about AVA or the most interesting part of the interview,
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* The winner will be announced on December 10th (2024)
AVA – the next Masterpiece of NUL.! (*_*)
I instantly got overwhelmed when I first listened to it, and I kept in on repeat repeat repeat for hours and days.
So many new and fresh sounds, they literally BURST into your brain, crack your sanity, push your mind far over the limit.
Your adrenaline level will rise, your heart will beat faster, your body will shiver.
It’s transcendent. It’s mind blowing. It’s NUL.
I recommend this album to everybody on this planet and even beyond.
Listen to it. You will not regret it, I swear!
Thank you very much for the kind words and ongoing support for VMJ.
I love the approach of NUL. so much. I was very curious about the project mainly because of Hizumi and because I really miss D’espairsRay and I can’t believe the last time I saw them was already 14 years ago. But having seen abingdon boys school and defspiral (as the Underneath) live too AGES ago, it feels like a dream combination, almost a super group!
It’s interesting to hear about their inspiration and how they evolved as a band since the last releases. I’m also happy to hear that they enjoy “CRUMBLE” a lot because that’s one of my favorite tracks by NUL. haha
Thanks for interviewing them! 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to read our interviews. 🙂
Favorite thing about AVA?
NUL. again showed me, why I love to listen to their music. It kind of calmed my nerves, mostly because Hizumis voice gives me chills every time he sings. But especially the song GRAVITY on this album just calmes me down. In contrary their first song _CRUMBLE_ hypes me up!
I don’t think I can exactly say what i love the most about AVA.
Most interesting part of the interview?
Its always interesting to read what was on their mind while writing/composing the songs.
Also the little game at the end was much fun to read!
Love all your interviews!
Also thanks for picking these interesting questions!
Thank you very much for your kind words. <3